Hey, I'm Corinna

A recovering binge/emotional eater, bulimic, yo-yo dieter, self-sabotager & self-loather turned Ayurvedic lifestyle & nutrition consultant & behaviour change expert, yoga teacher & lover of life.

recovering binge/emotional eater, bulimic, yo-yo dieter, self-sabotager & self-loather turned Ayurvedic Lifestyle & nutrition Coach, yoga teacher & lover of life.

It's been a journey of over 25 years to uncover a solution to my complex relationship with food and self. I share the highlights of my story here, hoping to inspire you and instill the belief that transformation is possible with the right guidance and tools. Discover more about how I can support you and take the first step toward change below.

It's been a journey of over 25 years to uncover a solution to my complex relationship with food and self. I share the highlights of my story here, hoping to inspire you and instill the belief that transformation is possible with the right guidance and tools. Discover more about how I can support you and take the first step toward change below.

My story

Told in a timeline


Born in Windhoek, Namibia to my German father & Namibian born mother also of German descent.

Born in Windhoek, Namibia to my German father & Namibian born mother also of German descent.

My dad is physically & emotionally abusive towards my mother. My sister & I get caught in the middle & witness to the abuse, we are left with a deep scar.

My dad is physically & emotionally abusive towards my mother. My sister & I get caught in the middle & witness to the abuse, we are left with a deep scar.

I have my first memories of self-soothing with food. I seek out sweet things & find myself raiding the cupboards at home & helping myself to anything I come across at my friends houses without asking. 

I have my first memories of self-soothing with food. I seek out sweet things & find myself raiding the cupboards at home & helping myself to anything I come across at my friends houses without asking. 

My then-best friend catches me stealing sweets from her, which marked the end of our friendship. This incident was the beginning of a pattern where my eating disorder led me to prioritise my own survival above all else, causing me to neglect & lose many meaningful relationships.

My then-best friend catches me stealing sweets from her, which marked the end of our friendship. This incident was the beginning of a pattern where my eating disorder led me to prioritise my own survival above all else, causing me to neglect & lose many meaningful relationships.

My mom initiates my first diet. The seed is planted that I am not good enough as I am & need to restrict my food intake.

My mom initiates my first diet. The seed is planted that I am not good enough as I am & need to restrict my food intake.

I was bullied earlier in life already but when I am called ‘Fette Seekuh' (german for 'fat seacow') & 'thunder thighs', I truly begin to dislike myself. I experiment with purging after meals as I can’t seem to control what I eat & keep finding myself secretly baking microwave cakes & making fudge, sometimes in the middle of the night. 

I was bullied earlier in life already but when I am called ‘Fette Seekuh' (german for 'fat seacow') & 'thunder thighs', I truly begin to dislike myself. 

I experiment with purging after meals as I can’t seem to control what I eat & keep finding myself secretly baking microwave cakes & making fudge, sometimes in the middle of the night. 

I binge & purge on a near daily basis. Sometimes 2-3 times per day. I continuously ask my father for extra allowance to fund my costly habit & occasionally end up stealing money from my parents or food from a supermarket.

I binge & purge on a near daily basis. Sometimes 2-3 times per day. I continuously ask my father for extra allowance to fund my costly habit & occasionally end up stealing money from my parents or food from a supermarket.

My physical & mental health deteriorates & I see a psychologist to help me gain control of my eating habits. I am diagnosed with Bulimia, checked into a rehabilitation centre & prescribed anti-depressants. I see temporary improvement but as I leave rehab I find myself back to binging & controlling my weight through diets, restriction, diet teas, pills…

My physical & mental health deteriorates & I see a psychologist to help me gain control of my eating habits. I am diagnosed with Bulimia, checked into a rehabilitation centre & prescribed anti-depressants. I see temporary improvement but as I leave rehab I find myself back to binging & controlling my weight through diets, restriction, diet teas, pills…

I end up in the emergency room with a pulmonary embolism due to overuse of  diet pills containing Norpseudoephedrine (a type of amphetamine). It's a wake up call. I try to be healthier but can’t stay consistent for long periods. I continue searching for solutions to help ‘fix’ me.

I end up in the emergency room with a pulmonary embolism due to overuse of  diet pills containing Norpseudoephedrine (a type of amphetamine). It's a wake up call. I try to be healthier but can’t stay consistent for long periods. I continue searching for solutions to help ‘fix’ me.

By chance, I partake in a Yoga Teacher Training with 3 weeks of daily classes including yoga, yoga nidra, breathwork & eating nutritious meals. For the first time, I feel in control around food & my mental chatter is barely there.

By chance, I partake in a Yoga Teacher Training with 3 weeks of daily classes including yoga, yoga nidra, breathwork & eating nutritious meals. For the first time, I feel in control around food & my mental chatter is barely there. After finishing the training, I decide to go on a diet recommended by a doctor & finally reach my goal weight.

After finishing the training, I decide to go on a diet recommended by a doctor & finally reach my goal weight. 

I find myself back where I started, 20kg heavier, unable to stay consistent with practicing yoga, binging & unable to control myself around food.

I find myself back where I started, 20kg heavier, unable to stay consistent with practicing yoga, binging & unable to control myself around food.

I draw inspiration from 2016, when I felt in control around food for the first time & try to learn how this happened. What was the secret behind my newfound tranquility & balance?

These questions became my compass, guiding me towards the realms of nutrition & habit change. Yet, it wasn't until I delved deeper into the ancient wisdom of yoga & Ayurveda that the true magic unfolded.

Incorporating these practices into my daily life became my anchor, harmonising my body, mind, and spirit. With Ayurvedic principles as my guide, I found myself not only savouring delicious meals but also finding a sense of inner peace & quiet. Best of all, I now had the knowledge & skills needed to stay consistent in my practice.  

This pivotal moment laid the foundation for my journey, igniting a passion for self-development & to empower others to overcome self-sabotage, learn to trust themself around food & find self-acceptance.

I draw inspiration from 2016, when I felt in control around food for the first time & try to learn how this happened. What was the secret behind my newfound tranquility & balance?

These questions became my compass, guiding me towards the realms of nutrition & habit change. Yet, it wasn't until I delved deeper into the ancient wisdom of yoga & Ayurveda that the true magic unfolded.

Incorporating these practices into my daily life became my anchor, harmonising my body, mind, and spirit. With Ayurvedic principles as my guide, I found myself not only savouring delicious meals but also finding a sense of inner peace & quiet. Best of all, I now had the knowledge & skills needed to stay consistent in my practice.  

This pivotal moment laid the foundation for my journey, igniting a passion for self-development & to empower others to find solace, balance, & joy in their relationship with food & themselves.












ca 1994

My expertise

trauma informed coaching

Nutritional guidance:

mindset transformation

I offer personalised nutrition recommendations influenced by Ayurvedic wisdom & nutritional science. I teach people to nourish their body in alignment with its unique needs, promoting optimal health & vitality so they can address the root cause of their cravings & experience the transformative power of food as medicine. I don't believe in restrictive diets, rather in balancing nourishment for the body with joy in eating.

I guide healing & growth through a compassionate understanding of past experiences - trauma-informed coaching educates individuals on how trauma shapes the mind & body. By empowering individuals to resolve underlying issues that may be driving their behaviours, it cultivates balance, reduces stress, & alleviates anxiety to enhance overall well-being by unlocking the body's natural ability to heal.

habit change

Learning to manage your mind & deal with thoughts & feelings is a vital part of your success. Thoughts aren't inherent; with the right tools, they are something that can be controlled & changed. Through our collaborative efforts, we'll explore techniques to challenge negative thought patterns, cultivate self-compassion, & foster a mindset that propels your journey towards self-acceptance & inner peace.

Most people aren't aware of the role habits play in their life & how they take control away from you. Habits shape our daily existence, influencing everything from our daily routines to our thoughts & emotional responses. It's the No.1 culprit of self-sabotage. I help you cultivate self-awareness & empower you to understand & reshape harmful patterns so you can learn to trust yourself around food. 

Fun facts about me...

A few fun facts about me...

I have a thing for books..

I don’t know what it is about books but I love buying & collecting them. Going to a bookshop is something heavenly for me & I dream of one day having a house big enough to have a separate reading room with a big wall shelf & comfy armchair (and enough time to read as well...) I have way more books than I have read & at this rate I will never be able to catch up, but  I love the idea that I can go to my little library, pick a book to help me with research or learn something new. Topics include yoga, ayurveda, anatomy, nutrition & health, cooking, gardening, neuroscience, coaching, travel & art.

I spend too much money on flowers..

I am an all round nature lover a& it was after seeing some pictures of Dahlia's, I decided to grow some of my own. It opened up a whole new world of colour & I'm just amazed by the beauty of them so became somewhat of an amateur gardener. I now grow Dahlias, Tulips, Cosmos, Rancunculus amongst others. They are also my main subject for photography, which is my hobby (Bishop of York Anemone type Dahlia, taken in summer of 2023). 

I have 3 furbabies...

Gizmo, Guinness, and our latest addition Ninjago are my number 1. Hubby comes second :-). Life wouldn't be the same without them & they are a constant source of entertainment. They love the outdoors, come on walks with me & keep me company while gardening.

Gizmo the

guinness the

ninjago the joker

.....individuals who feel out of control around food deserve more empathy and support from their community. They are not weak nor failures; rather, they lack certain skills, which, like any other, can be acquired through learning and growth.

.....the health industry focuses too much on quick fixes that will never create long-term change. True healing involves addressing the root cause rather than just treating symptoms. 

....that the food we eat should not only be nourishing, but enjoyable too, as it forms a massive part of our lives & helps bring us together as people. 

....in harnessing the healing power of nature, utilising food, herbs, spices, and other natural resources as our primary tools for well-being. Except for acute illnesses, we have within us the ability to support our health and vitality through the gifts provided by the natural world.

.....yoga & ayurveda are life-changing tools to incorporate into your life to improve both physical & mental health.

....everyone deserves to feel worthy!

I believe...

Let's get to work:

Ready to see if we’re a good fit?

Book your complimentary 60-minute consultation with me. Together, we'll delve into your unique challenges & goals, exploring how I can best support you in overcoming your most pressing obstacles. This isn't a sales pitch – it's an opportunity for you to experience first-hand the guidance & tools I offer to help you overcome binge eating. Let's connect & take the first step towards lasting transformation.

Book your complimentary 60-minute consultation with me. Together, we'll delve into your unique challenges & goals, exploring how I can best support you in overcoming your most pressing obstacles. This isn't a sales pitch – it's an opportunity for you to experience first-hand the guidance & tools I offer to help you overcome binge eating. Let's connect & take the first step towards lasting transformation.

Book a Free Consultation